Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chapter 16 "Strength"

Sometimes there are happenings in Life where you wonder, was it really inevitable? Or was it really meant for that to happen. You wonder, what if you can do something to stop it? What if that is your chance to prove yourself? What would happen if you have the strength, the strength to defend, to protect somebody?

It made me wonder what exactly is the meaning of strength? If we define it as how strong you are then what is Vigor exactly? It leaves me to think that strength doesn't define what exactly it conveys, not all physical, not all muscles and how much weight you can carry. I have experience many things, most of it does not involve any physical strength to deal with, but you know what made me think it needs strength? Because its hard, lets take for instance your emotional problems, you know you need strength dealing with them, you need courage and yet you do not punch walls (except some) , yell to death and etc2x. What your doing is fighting but then you don't wrestle with the flesh, what your doing is fighting with your mind, wrestle for the decision. Think again, look to that person who go to training everyday just to get stronger, do you think his muscles can help him when problem comes, except troubles coz you really need muscles to save your life^^. I hope you have got my point. Ill...assume...

And to that, when you seek for that power, (mention in the previous chapter) you do not seek for strength in physical alone, perhaps a deeper definition of strength, a deeper message for the word "Strong". If your thinking you need to be strong to achieve that power, you may think you need to be strong. Indeed you should and would be but do not think straight directly to it, think curve, there are more to a word than meets the eye. Look that deeper thought, do not look using your eyes alone, do not think with your mind head-on, do not write a letter with only your hands unto the paper, but seek deep inside your heart there's something inside it.

"The Strength of the Body is nothing, without the courage of the Heart"

(I've read the quote somewhere, Thanks whoever wrote this, thought I've got revisions in mine)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chapter 15 "Sense"

There are times you get the feeling your alone, sometimes you yourself wanted to be alone. A time to think again, a "Pause" to remake things. That which you cannot, then you seek for an outlet, a catalyst for your emotion to go, an instrument for you to blow those uncried tears.

We longed for something, something that would cover those mistakes, those things we wish to remake. If only life is a document that your writing in a computer... you have the option to be wrong you have the guts to make misspells, because you know you can still go back. But here, you cannot, thats why you search for that.

In your long search, you would learn many things, you would see many horizons, new faces of destiny. And for many, they End up seeking "the Power". The Power to make difference , whether for the good or for Bad. Sides doesn't really matter because it calls for your personal being, its your decision. That power, is any ability, any thing that would make you literally different from others. Though the possibility is uncertain the desire is strong. Why would One leave the option of becoming what you dreamed of? Truly, we all desires for one thing, that we may have supernatural abilities, to defend and protect ourselves? Not just that... there's more... The world in great vain, due to this people with no hearts towards your "Home". Somebody must take action, do what is needed to be done. Where is your Sense fellow? Did it pass just like the truth of yesterday had become? No, its still there, wake it up. You will find it!