Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chapter 16 "Strength"

Sometimes there are happenings in Life where you wonder, was it really inevitable? Or was it really meant for that to happen. You wonder, what if you can do something to stop it? What if that is your chance to prove yourself? What would happen if you have the strength, the strength to defend, to protect somebody?

It made me wonder what exactly is the meaning of strength? If we define it as how strong you are then what is Vigor exactly? It leaves me to think that strength doesn't define what exactly it conveys, not all physical, not all muscles and how much weight you can carry. I have experience many things, most of it does not involve any physical strength to deal with, but you know what made me think it needs strength? Because its hard, lets take for instance your emotional problems, you know you need strength dealing with them, you need courage and yet you do not punch walls (except some) , yell to death and etc2x. What your doing is fighting but then you don't wrestle with the flesh, what your doing is fighting with your mind, wrestle for the decision. Think again, look to that person who go to training everyday just to get stronger, do you think his muscles can help him when problem comes, except troubles coz you really need muscles to save your life^^. I hope you have got my point. Ill...assume...

And to that, when you seek for that power, (mention in the previous chapter) you do not seek for strength in physical alone, perhaps a deeper definition of strength, a deeper message for the word "Strong". If your thinking you need to be strong to achieve that power, you may think you need to be strong. Indeed you should and would be but do not think straight directly to it, think curve, there are more to a word than meets the eye. Look that deeper thought, do not look using your eyes alone, do not think with your mind head-on, do not write a letter with only your hands unto the paper, but seek deep inside your heart there's something inside it.

"The Strength of the Body is nothing, without the courage of the Heart"

(I've read the quote somewhere, Thanks whoever wrote this, thought I've got revisions in mine)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chapter 15 "Sense"

There are times you get the feeling your alone, sometimes you yourself wanted to be alone. A time to think again, a "Pause" to remake things. That which you cannot, then you seek for an outlet, a catalyst for your emotion to go, an instrument for you to blow those uncried tears.

We longed for something, something that would cover those mistakes, those things we wish to remake. If only life is a document that your writing in a computer... you have the option to be wrong you have the guts to make misspells, because you know you can still go back. But here, you cannot, thats why you search for that.

In your long search, you would learn many things, you would see many horizons, new faces of destiny. And for many, they End up seeking "the Power". The Power to make difference , whether for the good or for Bad. Sides doesn't really matter because it calls for your personal being, its your decision. That power, is any ability, any thing that would make you literally different from others. Though the possibility is uncertain the desire is strong. Why would One leave the option of becoming what you dreamed of? Truly, we all desires for one thing, that we may have supernatural abilities, to defend and protect ourselves? Not just that... there's more... The world in great vain, due to this people with no hearts towards your "Home". Somebody must take action, do what is needed to be done. Where is your Sense fellow? Did it pass just like the truth of yesterday had become? No, its still there, wake it up. You will find it!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chapter 14 "Alchemical Symbols"

Alchemic symbols, originally devised as part of the protoscience of alchemy, were used to denote some elements and some compounds until the 18th century. Note that while notation like this was mostly standardized, style and symbol varied between alchemists, so this page lists the most common.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chapter 13 "Alchemy in wiki"

Alchemy, a part of the Occult Tradition, is both a philosophy and a practice with an ultimately unknown aim, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties. The practical aspect of alchemy generated the basics of inorganic chemistry, namely concerning procedures, equipment and the identification and use of many current substances.

Alchemy has been practiced in Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Persia, India, Japan, Korea and China, in Classical Greece and Rome, in the Muslim civilizations, and then in Europe up to the 20th century—in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2500 years.

Alchemy was known as the spagyric art after Greek words meaning to separate and to join together. Compare this with the primary dictum of Alchemy in Latin: SOLVE ET COAGULASeparate, and Join Together.

The best-known goals of the alchemists were the transmutation of common metals into gold (called chrysopoeia) or silver (less well known is plant alchemy, or "spagyric"); the creation of a "panacea," or the elixir of life, a remedy that supposedly would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely; and the discovery of a universal solvent.[1] Although these were not the only uses for the science, they were the ones most documented and well known. Starting with the Middle Ages, Arabic and European alchemists invested much effort on the search for the "philosopher's stone", a legendary substance that was believed to be an essential ingredient for either or both of those goals. The philosopher's stone was believed to mystically amplify the user's knowledge of alchemy so much that anything was attainable. Alchemists enjoyed prestige and support through the centuries, though not for their pursuit of those goals, nor the mystic and philosophical speculation that dominates their literature. Rather it came from their mundane contributions to the "chemical" industries of the day—ore testing and refining, metalworking, production of gunpowder, ink, dyes, paints, cosmetics, leather tanning, ceramics, glass manufacture, preparation of extracts, liquors, and so on (it seems that the preparation of aqua vitae, the "water of life", was a fairly popular "experiment" among European alchemists).

Starting with the Middle Ages, some alchemists increasingly came to view metaphysical aspects as the true foundation of alchemy; and organic and inorganic chemical substances, physical states, and molecular material processes as mere metaphors for spiritual entities, spiritual states and ultimately, spiritual transformations. In this sense, the literal meanings of 'Alchemical Formulas' were a blind, hiding their true spiritual philosophy, which being at odds with the Medieval Christian Church was a necessity that could have otherwise lead them to the "stake and rack" of the Inquisition under charges of heresy.[2] Thus, both the transmutation of common metals into gold and the universal panacea symbolized evolution from an imperfect, diseased, corruptible and ephemeral state towards a perfect, healthy, incorruptible and everlasting state; and the philosopher's stone then represented some mystic key that would make this evolution possible. Applied to the alchemist himself, the twin goal symbolized his evolution from ignorance to enlightenment, and the stone represented some hidden spiritual truth or power that would lead to that goal. In texts that are written according to this view, the cryptic alchemical symbols, diagrams, and textual imagery of late alchemical works typically contain multiple layers of meanings, allegories, and references to other equally cryptic works; and must be laboriously "decoded" in order to discover their true meaning.

In his Alchemical Catechism, Paracelsus clearly denotes that his usage of the metals was a symbol:

Q. When the Philosophers speak of gold and silver, from which they extract their matter, are we to suppose that they refer to the vulgar gold and silver? A. By no means; vulgar silver and gold are dead, while those of the Philosophers are full of life.[3]

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chapter 12 "The Journal"

In part of the research, I'm including all of what is written in my journal book, as of now, I just discovered the dangers of what is along the way. If I may say, its beyond what you can imagine, I had catch a glimpse of some possible dark arts to be include to be able to attain the so called "Elixir of Life".

August 18th 2008;

At the first part of my research, I'm well aware of whatever might be the answer ahead, but it keeps me motivated from it. There are a lot of discoveries and information that I've read recently and it open my eyes. With regards to my religion, its quite difficult for me, specially with my current university status. I'm aware of what is happening to my life but i prefer not making it a hindrance not to pursue it. I've highlighted every crucial information about what I've found out and i'm planning to search its branch wherever the information may carry me.

(to be continued at my next post)
(please I need some votes whether I continue posting my journal here or separate in in another blog.) Thank you reader.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Chapter 11 "Caduceus"

The caduceus or wand of Hermes is typically depicted as a short herald's staff entwined by two serpents in the form of a double helix, and sometimes surmounted by wings. In later Antiquity the caduceus may have provided the basis for the astrological symbol representing the planet Mercury and in Roman iconography was often depicted being carried in the left hand of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the gods, guide of the dead and protector of merchants, gamblers, liars and thieves.

The caduceus is sometimes used as a symbol for medicine, especially in North America, through confusion with the traditional medical symbol, the rod of Asclepius, which has only a single snake and no wings. Given the historically attested use of this emblem, its adoption as a symbol of medicine is a great irony.

As early as 1910, Dr. William Hayes Ward discovered that symbols similar to the classical caduceus appeared not infrequently on Mesopotamian cylinder seals. He suggested the symbol originated some time between 3000 and 4000 BCE, and that it might have been the source of the Greek caduceus. A.L. Frothingham incorporated Dr. Ward's research into his own work, published in 1916, in which he suggested that the prototype of Hermes was an "Oriental deity of Babylonian extraction" represented in his earliest form as a snake god. From this perspective, the caduceus was originally representative of Hermes himself, in his early form as the god Ningishzida, "messenger" of the "Earth Mother". However, more recent classical scholarship makes no mention of Babylonian origin for Hermes or the caduceus.

Among the Greeks the caduceus is thought to have originally been a herald's staff. The Latin word caduceus (possibly caduceum) is an adaptation of the Greek kerukeion, meaning "herald's wand (or staff)", deriving from kerux, meaning "herald" or "public messenger", which in turn is related to kerusso, meaning "to announce" (often in the capacity of herald). The staff of the herald is thought to have developed from a shepherd's crook, in the form of a forked olive branch adorned with first two fillets of wool, then with white ribbons and finally with two snakes intertwined. However no explanation as to how such an object would be practically used as a functional crook by shepherds is offered.

One Greek myth of origin of the caduceus is part of the story of Tiresias,who found two snakes copulating and killed the female with his staff. Tiresias was immediately turned into a woman, and so remained until he was able to repeat the act with the male snake seven years later. This staff later came in to the possession of the god Hermes, along with its transformative powers. Another myth relates how Hermes played a lyre fashioned from a tortoise shell for Apollo, and in return was appointed ambassador of the gods with the caduceus as a symbol of his office. Another tale suggests that Hermes (or more properly the Roman Mercury) saw two serpents entwined in mortal combat. Separating them with his wand he brought about peace between them, and as a result the wand with two serpents came to be seen as a sign of peace.

In Rome, Livy refers to the caduceator who negotiated peace arrangements under the diplomatic protection of the caduceus he carried.

Ive added this information, in case you want to find out what and where is the Symbol from.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chapter 10 "The Hexagram"

Throughout the research, readers might have notice the usage of the in the left side. What is this symbol is about exactly, and why is it seen for almost anywhere, everywhere. Games, Spell castings, Alchemy itself use the image. Below is a brief history of this image that may give us a view of what it really is.

Origins and shape

The hexagram is a mandala symbol called satkona yantra or sadkona yantra found on ancient South Indian Hindu temples built thousands of years ago. It symbolizes the nara-narayana, or perfect meditative state of balance achieved between Man and God, and if maintained, results in "moksha," or "nirvana" (release from the bounds of the earthly world and its material trappings).

Another theory about the origin of the shape is that it is simply 2 of the 3 letters in the name David: in its Hebrew spelling, David is transliterated as 'D-W-D'. In Biblical Hebrew, the letter 'D' (Dalet) was written in a form much like a triangle, similar to the Greek letter "Delta" (Δ). The symbol may have been a simple family crest formed by flipping and juxtaposing the two most prominent letters in the name. The letter "W" in this case could reference the compositing operation of the two Deltas.

Some researchers have theorized that the hexagram represents the astrological chart at the time of David's birth or anointment as king. The hexagram is also known as the "King's Star" in astrological circles.

In antique papyri, pentagrams, together with stars and other signs, are frequently found on amulets bearing the Jewish names of God, and used to guard against fever and other diseases. Curiously the hexagram is not found among these signs. In the great magic papyrus at Paris and London there are twenty-two signs side by side, and a circle with twelve signs, but neither a pentagram nor a hexagram.

Therefore, the syncretism of Hellenistic, Jewish, and Coptic influences probably did not originate the symbol.

It is also possible that as a simple geometric shape, like for example the triangle, circle, or square, the hexagram has been created by various different peoples with no connection to one another.

Usage by Christians

The hexagram may be found in some Churches and stained-glass windows. Example of this is one embedded in the ceiling of the Washington National Cathedral. Because the similar-looking sign called the encircled pentagram used in occultism, it was not used in church architecture until Christian architects, both Protestant and Catholic, began to accept the notion that the Star of David is an old Jewish sign.In Christianity it is often called the star of creation.

The Bible makes no direct mention of the Star of David, however, the Catechism of the Catholic Church of the year 528 refers to the star which led the Magi to Christ as "the Star of David". In the context, the phrase most likely meant "the star of the king of Israel" rather than the double triangle-shaped symbol used today.

Usage by Jews

Magen David is a generally recognized symbol of Judaism and Jewish identity and is also known colloquially as the Jewish Star or "Star of David". Its usage as a sign of Jewish identity began in the Middle Ages, though its religious usage began earlier, with the current earliest archeological evidence being a stone bearing the shield from the arch of a 3-4th century synagogue in the Galilee. A more enduring symbol of Judaism, the menorah, has been in use since BCE.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chapter 9 "Cabala the Spiritual Alchemy"

is a discipline and school of thought discussing the mystical aspect of Judaism. It is a set of esoteric teachings meant to define the inner meaning of both the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and traditional Rabbinic literature, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances.

The origins of the actual term Kabbalah are unknown and disputed to belong either to Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021 - 1058) or else to the 13th century CE Spanish Kabbalist Bahya ben Asher. While other terms have been used in many religious documents from the 2nd century CE up to the present day, the term Kabbalah has become the main descriptive of Jewish esoteric knowledge and practices. The Kabbalistic literature, which served as the basis for most of the development of Kabbalistic thought, divides between early works such as Heichalot and Sefer Yetzirah (believed to be dated 1st or 2nd Century CE) and later works dated to the 13th century CE, of which the main book is the Zohar representing the main source for the Contemplative Kabbalah ("Kabbalah Iyunit").

According to Kabbalistic tradition, knowledge was transmitted orally by the Patriarchs, prophets, and sages (Hakhamim in Hebrew), eventually to be "interwoven" into Jewish religious writings and culture. According to this tradition, Kabbalah was, in around the 10th century BCE, an open knowledge practiced by over a million people in ancient Israel,[4] although there is little objective historical evidence to support this thesis.

Foreign conquests drove the Jewish spiritual leadership of the time (the Sanhedrin) to hide the knowledge and make it secret, fearing that it might be misused if it fell into the wrong hands.[5]Diaspora), unsupervised and unguided by the masters, might lead them into wrong practice and forbidden ways. As a result, the Kabbalah became secretive, forbidden and esoteric to Judaism (“Torat Ha’Sod The Sanhedrin leaders were also concerned that the practice of Kabbalah by Jews deported on conquest to other countries (the Hebrew:for two and a half millennia.

It is hard to clarify with any degree of certainty the exact concepts within Kabbalah. There are several different schools of thought with very different outlooks; however, all are accepted as correct. Modern Halakhic authorities have tried to narrow the scope and diversity within Kabbalah, by restricting study to certain texts, notably Zohar and the teachings of the Isaac Luria as passed down through Haim Vital.However even this qualification does little to limit the scope of understanding and expression, as included in those works are commentaries on Abulafian writings, Sepher Yetzirah, Albotonian writings, and Brit Menuhah.It is therefore important to bear in mind when discussing things such as the Sephirot and their interactions that one is dealing with highly abstract concepts that at best can only be understood intuitively.

According to Lurianic cosmology, the Sephirot correspond to various levels of creation (ten sephirot in each of the four worlds, and four worlds within each of the larger four worlds, each containing ten sephirot, which themselves contain ten sephirot, to an infinite number of possibilities[13]), and are emanated from the Creator for the purpose of creating the universe. The Sephirot are considered revelations of the Creator's will (ratzon)[14], and they should not be understood as ten different "gods" but as ten different ways the one God reveals his will through the Emanations. It is not God who changes but the ability to perceive God that changes.

The names of the ten Sephirot are:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chapter 8 "Tree of Life"

In connection to the search of the Philosopher's Stone, I have stumble into some information in some books, reviews, and the internet, one of these had really caught my attention, its the ideas and teachings by "Kabbalah" or "cabala" in english translation. These teachings (i dont know if its a religion) would be discuss on Chapter 9 so please be patient.
This post is suppose to focus on one of the important fields in the particular ideas in cabala, the "Tree of Life". (as seen above)

Go to this link for the Flash version(recomended):

I have read several physics books today, and I remember dealing with the dimensions, the parallel worlds they happen to mention, and some other ideas that says there are world out there but in different dimensions. Separated by our basic counting number (1-etc). They have said that we are in the Third dimension, having Length, Width, and thickness, and the base shape would be the "Triangle" as it has three sides, like having three properties or characteristics. Further explanation of the physics dimensions is that, lower dimensions a cannot comprehend higher dimension, that is why we people cannot determine what 4th dimension is, we of course are capable of understanding the 2 dimensional world coz its lower that where we are. It is believe in that book that the Last dimension (10th) is where God is.
Notice the animated of the Tree of Life, every steps, every circle corresponds with a shape, second is the two axis direction, the 2 dimensional aspect, up and down, right and left...have you notice the connection between Physics and cabala? The next figure, the triangle, three properties, three sides, that could mean 3 dimension and so on. If we analyze these using both physics and cabala, we could say that:

Our true birth begins (1st dimension) , afterward we transfer to the 2 dimensional world, then transfer again (we can see it by means of death like what happen people), then to the third dimensional world. If we would think, souls, or ghost, or anything paranormal, they can walk through walls and go wherever they want, this is a manifestation of a higher dimensional living being. If us, 3 dimensional beings would go to the 2 dimensional world, these people living in the 2 dimensional would see us as a mighty thing, more like God in some point because, we are not hindered by the limitations of there dimension, see example below:

An example of a 2 dimensional world:
Fig 1:

They were like comic characters, they don't have thickness and the only direction they know is up down, right left. There world is like a floating paper in the air where in if the 3 dimensional being enters, only the portion of what had intersect the 3D the 2d can see.
See figure for visual:

If deaths we see in Earth is a mean of transferring to another dimension then Ghost and everything panoramic events which we cannot comprehend are the evidence.

Physics and the lessons of Spiritual alchemy conveys a message that everything is connected, Ancient Civilizations, there achievements, wonders of the world and how they're made, nature secrets, advance science, magistry, and everything! There are a lot of things we need to find out, be with me people.

The secret of the Philosopher's Stone and of prolonging human life is still hidden, but who know reader, this may be a clue that we need to think through, that idea of One, everything is connected and is a manifestation from a single root. I remember the first post's, the book of abraham said about the connection of all, maybe...we need to study all sciences and connect them all.! LOL..have a nice day...I'm gonna read some more to find something out again.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Chapter 7 "Secret Societies"

Have you ever heard about secret socities in recent times? Yes you may have, in movies, in different media types where fantasies are known to men. But there's something I've seen today that had open my mind in some things again.
It's about the Secret Societies practicing mystical arts at
recent times, this post doesn't aim to promote these groups
but I urged the readers better not to go with them.
These societies offers teachings towards cabala, alchemy, occult, voodoo, and magistracy.
Just like in Harry Potter series, the inter schools that teach different arts, its very similar,
there are a lot of books to be posted hereby after some few post, we will reach there as soon as possible.

*here..few were only given, ther
e's still lots of em out there, search for them if
you were really interested.


Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million (including around 480,000 in England, Scotland and Ireland alone, and just under two million in the United States).[1][2] The various forms all share moral and metaphysical ideals, which include, in most cases, a constitutional declaration of belief in a Supreme Being.[3]

The fraternity is administratively organised into Grand Lodges (or sometimes Orients), each of which governs its own jurisdiction, which consists of subordinate (or constituent) Lodges. Grand Lodges recognise each other through a process of landmarks and regularity. There are also appendant bodies, which are organisations related to the main branch of Freemasonry, but with their own independent administration.

Freemasonry uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the building of King Solomon's Temple, to convey what has been described by both Masons and critics as "a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols

The origins and early development of Freemasonry are a matter of some debate and conjecture. There is some evidence to suggest that there were Masonic Lodges in existence in Scotland as early as the late sixteenth century,[6] and clear references to their existence in England by the mid seventeenth century.[7] A poem known as "The Regius Manuscript" has been dated to approximately 1390 and is the oldest known Masonic text.[8]

The first Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge of England (GLE), was founded on 24 June 1717, when four existing London Lodges met for a joint dinner. This rapidly expanded into a regulatory body, which most English Lodges joined. However, a few lodges resented some of the modernisations that GLE endorsed, such as the creation of the Third Degree, and formed a rival Grand Lodge on 17 July 1751, which they called the "Antient Grand Lodge of England". The two competing Grand Lodges vied for supremacy—the "Moderns" (GLE) and the "Antients" (or "Ancients")—until they united 25 November 1813 to form the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).

Rosicrucian Order

The term Rosicrucian (symbol: the Rose Cross) describes a secret society of mystics, allegedly formed in late mediaeval Germany, holding a doctrine "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm. " [1]

Between 1607 and 1616, two anonymous manifestos were published, first in Germany and later throughout Europe[citation needed]. These were Fama Fraternitatis RC (The Fame of the Brotherhood of RC) and Confessio Fraternitatis (The Confession of the Brotherhood of RC). The influence of these documents, presenting a "most laudable Order" of mystic-philosopher-doctors and promoting a "Universal Reformation of Mankind", gave rise to an enthusiasm called by its historian Dame Frances Yates the "Rosicrucian Enlightenment".[2]

In later centuries many masonic and occult societies have claimed to derive their doctrines, in whole or in part, from the original Rosicrucians. Several modern societies, which date the beginning of the Order to earlier centuries, have been formed for the study of Rosicrucianism and allied subjects. However, many researchers[who?] on the history of Rosicrucianism argue that modern Rosicrucianists are in no sense directly linked to any real society of the early 17th century.

Order of the Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (or, more commonly, the Golden Dawn) was a magical order of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, practicing a form of theurgy and spiritual development. It was possibly the single greatest influence on twentieth century Western occultism.[citation needed] Concepts of magic and ritual that became core elements of many other traditions, including Wicca,[1][2] Thelema, and other forms of magical spirituality popular today, are drawn from the Golden Dawn tradition.

The three founders, Dr. William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.),[3] an appendant body to Freemasonry. Westcott, also a member of the Theosophical Society, appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn.

The Golden Dawn system is based on an initiated hierarchal order similar to that of a Masonic Lodge, however women were admitted on an equal basis with men. The "Golden Dawn" is properly only the first or "outer" of three Orders, although all three are often collectively described as the "Golden Dawn". The First Order taught esoteric philosophy based on the Hermetic Qabalah and personal development through study and awareness of the four Classical Elements as well as the basics of astrology, tarot, and geomancy. The Second or "Inner" Order, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (the Ruby Rose and Cross of Gold), taught magic proper, including scrying, astral travel, and Alchemy. The Third Order was that of the "Secret Chiefs", who were said to be great adepts no longer in incarnate form, but who directed the activities of the lower two orders by spirit communication with the Chiefs of the Second Order.

Influences on Golden Dawn concepts and work include: Christian mysticism, Qabalah, Hermeticism, the religion of Ancient Egypt, Theurgy, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Theosophy, Eliphas Levi, Papus, Enochian magic, and Renaissance grimoires.

The fundamental basis of the original Order of the Golden Dawn was a collection of documents known as the Cipher Manuscripts, written in English using a cipher attributed to Johannes Trithemius. The Manuscripts give the specific outlines of the Grade Rituals of the Order, and prescribe a curriculum of specifically graduated teachings that encompass the Hermetic Qabalah, Astrology, occult tarot, Geomancy, and Alchemy.

According to the documents of the Order, the manuscripts were passed on from Kenneth Mackenzie, a Masonic scholar, to Rev. A.F.A. Woodford, whom Francis King acknowledges as the fourth founder[4] (although Woodford died shortly after the Order was founded).[5] The documents did not excite Woodford, and in February 1886 he passed them on to Dr. Westcott, who managed to decode them in 1887.[4] Westcott was pleased with his discovery, called on Mathers for a second opinion, and asked for cooperation in turning the manuscripts into a coherent system for lodge work. Mathers then called on William Robert Woodman to assist by being a third collaborator and Woodman, it seems, accepted.[4] Likewise, Mathers and Dr. Westcott have been credited for developing the ritual outlines in the Cipher Manuscripts into a workable format.[6] Mathers, however, is generally credited with the design of the curriculum and rituals of the Second Order, which he called the Rosae Rubae et Aureae Crucis ("Ruby Rose and Golden Cross", or the RR et AC).[7]

However, the true origins of the Manuscript remain a mystery to this day. Many theories as to their genesis have been put forward; there is a lack of concrete evidence supporting any of the theories over the others.

Chapter 6 "The Sages"

Early discussions mentioned about the SAGES, one who give the book to Flammel is a Sage, now, we should know who and what they really are. There are a lot of traces about the Great Sages throughout the history, most of them where involve in a very crucial details in historical books. Abraham himself had an advisor, a sage, an alchemist, a philosopher, named Melchizedek, Abraham's book and its contents could be a work of inspiration of Abraham of what he had learned from his Sage advisor. The sage that gave the book to Flammel also, though we cannot trace their background, is a member of the hidden order of the Sages that hid the book from the public, as mention in the Flammel's History section, the book, before Flammel had it, belonged to "the unknown sages" the "unknown masters". These people are rarely seen in public I believe soo, or it could be that they were around but we dont even know the traces or any marks where we could identify that a person is a sage.

SAGES are those people,(as defined from many dictionaries) are those who had complete or wide knowledge with regards to God, they knew much more things than a normal man. They often live in the forest, alone or with other sages in their hidden temples. The Magi people i had revealed to you, my uncle, which had his ability from his father, his father I think is a member of the secret society, so as the other Magi, which is Recanell, they shared lots in common with regards to what they do, what they're abilities are, considering there animal pets, weird pets to be exact. I'm in a deep observation here in my uncle, because of one important detail, this is mentioned in some of my past post, that the sages meet once a year in a specific place. I want to find out if my uncle goes to some place once a year, or anything that I may come up with. With regards to their transportation? Well, havnt I mention that my uncle hat a cat looking pet?or have i? And the Recanell person had a dog, all of those pet, as I heard from my closest relatives, you can ride them and one thing is sure...they're FAST!

The pets reminds me of the book "Do you wanna know who were the others?", I havnt read the book but I believe we here are not alone, theyre are still a lot of things waiting for men to be unvield. If we were alone, this world will be boring, that is why we love the Digital World today, because of the discoveries done yesterday, unfortunately man focus on Physical Science, I want to move unto the spiritual realm, the esoterics philosophies, because I'm always waiting when the world will changed and I've decided, I will be the one to start it.

This portion opens Public Responses from a popular posting site:

As I asked them "Who were the Sages", here are few and highlighted responses.

Main Entry: sage
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1: one (as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom
2: a mature or venerable man of sound judgment

Sages are not magicians th ough they have the power to perform magic. They are the ones who have

given up worldly affairs and have devoted their life to God and prayers. They are not ordinary monks, like priest but have renounced worldy goods for God. They usually live in a cave or forest, and devote time to prayers and meditation. Over a period of time, they gain certain powers by which they can perform miracles, but they do not show off. Very rarely do they perform miracles and it is then that they b;ecome famous, but then it is only when they have permission. They are wise, kind and see God in all. They are humble and eat what they can get as alms. Such sages are rare and far inbetween generations

Melchizedek is a sage from the Old Testament who was considered to be something of a supernatural being. Abraham paid him tribute, which meant he was highly respected and was of an order higher than Abraham.
The Oxford English Dictionary explains a sage as 'a very wise man.'
My idea of a sage is of someone who's somewhat of a seer, or someone who has knowledge beyond the knowledge that can be learnt in earthly ways, such as by reading a book.

Sages see things differently from other people, they're open enough to see the larger picture so instead of dwelling on life's trivialties they're curious about things most people don't think about.
They're highly aware of God and know things, just know them without knowing how they know, except that the wisdom is from God. They contain so much of God compared to others that in a way they partly have the mind of God.
They're full of light and the light shines in the darkness, they don't fear God or any spiritual beings, including dark ones because they're so powerful they know they won't get hurt by them.
I read about a particularly strong sage who was loved by everyone, he was a monk and when he died a young lad saw the light in the sky from his spirit from miles away so the lad himself became a monk and sage. As you're aware sages don't have to be monks and I believe they can be anyone, even ordinary people that are walking among us.

Judging from the information obtained, there is a high possibility that this Magis's are one or One of the magi I mention is a Sage. Ladies and Gentlemen, Readers, analyzed things written here, and help me think, this is a research by the way and I need help, there may be a crucial point in my information that would trigger a new branch or a discovery thank you very much.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chapter 5 "Mr Magi 2"

This post is about another person, in which, more related to Alchemy, a person who can go back to his youth anytime he wants.

This person, named Leopoldo Recanell, an old man, dead as expected and buried 5 years ago in our province. He knows my aunt, they talk a lot, every time when work time is over, that would be in times of dusk. This man knows some native techniques of healing, and what had caught my attention is that my aunt saw a stone that he is using. There are a lot of stories from my aunt told by that person, my aunt said he had mention his dogs, which is definitely not an average dog, coz his have wings on its side, he said he had three of 'em. A black , a white, and one with both colors, black and white dots. One of the most amazing part is that one day, there's a kid on my aunts lawn, my aunt yeild at the kid coz the kid looks like he's stealing gingers in there. Then afternoon comes and the old man, as usual, came back from work, they talk a lot again and, the old man happen to mention about "he turn into a kid and they didn't know it", he claimed to be the kid that my aunt had yeild at, my aunt iss shock, full of unbelief, the old man recited the exact words my aunt said.

Hey, were not on the main purpose of this post yet, as mention several post's before this, The Philosopher's Stone is a substance that can cure any disease and a substance that can prolong human life. There are a lot of claims in the country that they have succeeded in creating this stone, I'm convinced by them a little, not as being convince by this case, considering this had happen nearest to me, and in my country, in my province.

The said man is buried, he died last 5 years ago i think, and... after a year everybody forget, his had finally moved on and they continue life as of nothing happen. One of his family relative went to Dapitan and in her surprise...she found Leopoldo Recanell there, ALIVE, still strong, and the most shocking part is that, he looks a little younger than before he died. Then now, because of his family had moved on and had a new family themselves he decided not to go back and stay there. He is in great passion of helping sick people and up to now, he still is healing a lot of people. I cant wait to meet these two magi's that I've mention to you. But I have no time to go to them, and the other one (my uncle) he wont tell me the secret "its bad" he reason out.(always)..

But here's what I believe, the only thing that would make it bad/evil is when you or any person use it in evil. Right? You can never tell whether things in this world is either for good or for Bad, that's why we were given a choice, that's for us to decide whether for bad or good. This research doesnt aim on anything like that, because all we wanted is to find out the